Sunday, November 3, 2019

London Olympics 2012 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

London Olympics 2012 - Essay Example Similarly, there are significant health and safety problems both during and after the event because of a large number of workers that are needed for running the event. The author then talks about the documentary film on which she is working about the London 2012 Olympics. The title of film is ‘Construction in the games’ and it mainly deals with the legacy left by the construction industry in terms of employment and training for the locals. In the end, she points out there is a poor system of training in Britain as mostly the focus of training is on the traditional trades. Since the training from surrounding colleges is inadequate, according to professor, it would be extremely difficult to fulfil the legacy of the London Olympics. Even though it is generally believed that being the host for Olympics bring economic boom for the country, it is not easy to assess the economic impact of the Olympic Games (Cashman, 2002). As expected there is a great surge in the employment of the skilled labor for the construction as well as for different services (Economic and Social Research Council, 2012). However most of these labors are required only in the preparation stage of the game and the rapidly pacing economy suffers a heavy setback once the Olympic Games are over. This is because the labor and the services are no longer required and hence the host country is unable to maintain the momentum it had acquired before the start of the games (Girginov, 2005). Therefore it is not easy to analyze the overall economic impact of the Olympic Games. The Olympics is not merely a sports event but it has evolved into means of urban development and regeneration. It is imperative for the host country to have enough facilities for the participants as well as the spectators therefore a great deal of urban investment is generally required (Winch, 2012). This comes in the form of setting up

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